Quick Start

MeltCD is based on the philosophy of docker swarm, keep it simple.

Install meltcd from Installation

Run Server with CLI

If you are on linux and install meltcd from install script then the server should have already start upon installation.

To start the meltcd server

meltcd server --verbose

The server will server on port 11771 (the default port)

  1. The api will be in /api endpoint

  2. The UI will be in / endpoint

To change default port!

Use environment variable MELTCD_HOST with value as

MELTCD_HOST= meltcd server --verbose

MELTCD_HOST environment variable will take host:port combination

🚀 Running Application with Meltcd

Some Prerequisites are

  1. You should have Docker installed on your system

  2. You should have Docker Swarm up and running

Run Sample Application

Using a sample repository k9exp/infra-test

  • Login

To you most of cli command, you need to login first, use this command to login

meltcd login
  • Create the Application

meltcd app create my_app --repo https://github.com/k9exp/infra-test.git --path service.yml --refresh 1m0s

Now open http://localhost:7788 to see Meilisearch sample app, this app require a Master Key which is yWPFG870PyFQay84ec8OvudC7Nc4fjJdGV6D0BXkBhuzL4cqlOem2cf8pWGD+KsS g0XYos+mdDi6l86nJ6hLvp=

Go to CLI Reference for more usage using CLI

Other Environment variables

  1. MELTCD_ORIGINS A comma separated sting of origins for CORS.

Example `http://meltcd.my-domain.com, https://meltcd.my-domain.com"

  1. MELTCD_SERVER The address of meltcd server for CLI to connect.

Examplehttp:// or https://meltcd.my-domain.com

  1. RL_DISABLE=true

Disable Rate Limmiting on the appliation

  1. RL_MAX_LIMIT Default to 15

  2. RL_EXPIRATION Default to 30s

Last updated